What Should I Do After Getting Hit By an 18-wheeler?

Getting hit by an 18-wheeler truck can significantly impact your life. Given the truck’s size, the accident will be traumatic, resulting in life-threatening injuries. There will also be a huge toll on property. It is normal to feel confused and overwhelmed after an accident of such magnitude. However, you should take several steps to prepare for the recovery process.

Many accident victims wonder what to do after getting hit by an 18-wheeler. If you are in such a position, this guide will enlighten you on the steps to follow after getting hit by a truck. Read on to find out.

Prioritize Your Safety

The impact of an 18-wheeler hit can be devastating. If you can, move your damaged car to the side of the road with minimal risk. You should also check if you have any injuries — note that you might not initially feel pain due to the adrenaline. Either way, take the necessary precautions and move to safety. Most 18-wheeler trucks transport cargo; you might not know what it is. It could be particularly dangerous if the truck in the accident were transporting crude oil. The risk of explosion after a crash is high, hence the need to move to safety. 

Get In Touch With The Police

You should call the police after getting hit by an 18-wheeler. Call 911 and have them come on-site as soon as possible. A big truck accident lawyer will advise you to contact the police because they can help you obtain evidence. When you are too injured to move, police officers will help you obtain evidence that might help your case. Calling the police will also allow you to receive medical attention on time. They might come with first aid kits that can contain the injuries as you wait for the ambulance to arrive. 

Try To Obtain Evidence

Another thing you should do after getting hit by an 18-wheeler is to obtain evidence. Take photos or videos of the accident scene immediately before anyone tampers with the evidence. It is crucial to obtain valuable evidence, especially if you want to file a personal injury claim. A big truck accident lawyer must prove the other driver’s negligence to secure your compensation, and the process can only be successful after producing valuable evidence. 

Seek Legal Advice From A Big Truck Accident Lawyer

After you seek medical attention and the necessary treatment, you should hire a big truck accident lawyer. A truck attorney is experienced in legal matters and represents your rights. Besides, they will negotiate on your behalf and ensure you get a fair settlement. It would help if you didn’t negotiate with the defendant’s insurance company without legal representation because they might exploit your ignorance. Hiring an attorney helps level the playing field. 

Take The Right Steps After An Accident

Getting involved in an accident can affect your mind and physical state. It is crucial to take the right steps after such incidents to have a safe path to recovery. Follow the steps discussed here after getting hit by an 18-wheeler.