What are the main perks of playing poker on mobile?

All our favourite things are conducted on mobile these days, aren’t they? From chatting to friends, to paying bills to just working. But we can also enjoy recreational gaming, including poker, one of the most popular forms of gambling around the world. In recent years, the major poker platforms have heavily invested in their poker apps to offer customers an enhanced poker playing experience. That’s why in this article we’re going to share the main advantages to playing mobile poker.

Play anywhere, anytime

Our phones are always with us and therefore there is always the potential to play poker on the go. This convenience cannot be afforded to people who exclusively play on desktop as they’re limited to playing in one space.  It’s comforting to know that our mobiles can provide entertainment and relief from our normal working days when there is always access to fun hobbies like online poker. This is undeniably a main perk to playing poker on mobile, the sheer convenience.

Quick access to bonuses

The major poker sites are always competing with each other to win your custom. To do this they have to offer limited deals and promotions in the form of bonuses to retain customers. Unfortunately, with desktop usage only, it’s not easy to be made away of the bonuses and take advantage in the deadlines given. Fortunately, with mobile poker you can get a ggpoker bonus code easily. Most of the poker apps offer push notifications too so they’ll let you know when a lucrative deal is running and you can take advantage quickly and efficiently. 

Faster internet speeds

If you’re still only playing online poker through laptops or tablets, you’re probably having occasional issues. There’s nothing worse than playing poker online and being timed out, losing a big pot due to an internet issue. Sadly, this is not uncommon if you are only playing poker with WIFI. With mobile poker though, you have the option of using 4G instead of relying on WIFI all the time. This is an effective insurance measure and ensures you are not over reliant on your internet provider. With 4G you’re likely to get faster internet speeds and therefore have a more pleasurable poker experience. 

Reduced temptation to multi-table

One thing that tends to cost people when they venture online for poker is the multi-tabling. Despite many poker experts saying less is often more, people love adding more tables to their sessions. For some, it’s fine and they can still generate a decent win rate. For the majority, playing only one or two tables is definitely the prudent and sensible option. With mobile poker, most apps won’t let you play more than 2 tables. We find this a definite perk as it removes the temptation to add tables unnecessarily. By only playing on one or two tables, you’ll be able to focus your attention better and therefore play a better overall game. This should hopefully result in you having a winning session.