Travelling to See a Scoliosis Specialist: What You Should Know

Florida boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure with numerous hospitals, medical centres, and specialty clinics. Many major cities in Florida, such as Miami, Tampa, and Orlando, have world-class medical institutions staffed by highly trained specialists, including orthopaedic surgeons and scoliosis experts.

When diagnosed with scoliosis, it’s crucial to seek the expertise of a scoliosis specialist who can provide the best possible care and treatment. Sometimes, you may need to travel to see a specialist, which can come with unique considerations. This article will explore what you should know when visiting a scoliosis specialist in Florida, from preparation and planning to the importance of ongoing care.

Choosing the Right Specialist

Before embarking on a journey to see a scoliosis specialist, it’s essential to research and choose the right specialist for your needs. Consider their experience, reputation, and expertise in treating scoliosis. Look for specialists who are board-certified in orthopaedics or have specific training in scoliosis management. Additionally, it can be beneficial to peruse patient reviews and seek recommendations from your primary care physician or other healthcare professionals.

Consultation and Assessment

Once you’ve selected a specialist, schedule a consultation. The specialist will assess your condition and discuss your treatment options during this initial visit. Be prepared to provide a detailed medical history, including any previous treatments or surgeries related to scoliosis. The specialist may also conduct a physical examination and prescribe imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans, to assess the severity and progression of your scoliosis.

Travelling for Consultation

Scheduling: Coordinate your travel plans with the specialist’s availability. Ensure you have enough time for a comprehensive consultation, including discussions about treatment options and any necessary follow-up appointments.

Documentation: Keep copies of your medical records, including X-rays and any previous scoliosis-related documentation when travelling. This information will be valuable to the specialist in understanding your condition and treatment history.

Accommodations: If your consultation requires an overnight stay, arrange accommodation beforehand. Some medical facilities may partner with nearby hotels, offering special rates for patients and their families.

Travel Companions: Consider bringing a family member or friend along for support. They can provide emotional support and assist with logistics during your trip.

Treatment Options and Planning

Observation: In some cases, especially for mild scoliosis, the specialist may recommend a “watch and wait” approach, with regular monitoring to track the progression of the curvature.

Bracing: If your scoliosis is moderate and still progressing, a brace may be recommended to help stabilise the spine and prevent further curvature.

Surgery: Severe cases of scoliosis may require surgical intervention. Discuss the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes with your specialist if surgery is recommended.

Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises can enhance flexibility, strength, and posture for individuals with scoliosis. Your specialist may recommend a physical therapy program as part of your treatment plan.

Follow-Up Care

Scheduling Follow-Up Appointments: Coordinate with the specialist’s office to schedule follow-up appointments at convenient intervals. These appointments are crucial for tracking your progress and making necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Communication: Maintain open communication with your specialist. If you experience changes in your condition or have concerns between appointments, contact your specialist for guidance.

Travel Arrangements: Continuously update your travel plans as needed for follow-up appointments. Ensure that you have accommodations and transportation arrangements in place.

Local Healthcare: Explore local healthcare options at your travel destination if you require medical assistance. Familiarise yourself with nearby hospitals and urgent care facilities.


Due to its large population and robust healthcare system, Florida offers access to various medical specialists, including scoliosis experts. Travelling to see a scoliosis specialist in Florida is a significant step towards effectively managing and treating this condition. Careful planning, choosing the right specialist, and ongoing communication ensure you receive the best care and support throughout your scoliosis journey. By taking these steps, you can improve your spinal health and overall well-being.