Tech Tips to Apply Again and Again

Here are several of my favorite top tech tips and hints for a wide variety of in-demand programs and tools:

1. Place Your USB Drive in an Accurate Position

Getting the correct plug for your USB drive is not arduous work. Vice versa, it is much easier similar to gambling at the safest online casino. However, there are some reasons why so few people get it right the first time. One of these is that they don’t know which direction to put the USB cable. The USB symbol will always appear on either side of the cord if you are placing it vertically.

2. Share a YouTube Video at an Exact Point

The Share button on YouTube lets you easily share a video with people by obtaining a direct link to the video’s location. To cease the video, go to the share button and search for a checkbox, and then click the stop button.

You can choose the time that you desire the video to play. After you’ve shared the link, the video will mechanically play at the correct time. You may also email the link to a friend or share it on social media.

3. Apply Your Voice in Google Docs

If you’re a regular user of Google Docs and have a phone with speech-to-text capabilities, then you most likely already know that you may use this feature in the app. However, are you aware of the additional capabilities that are available in the application?

To allow Voice typing in Google Docs, go to the Tools menu. There, you can enable it. It will identify various commands, such as “period,” “New paragraph,” and “comma.”

4. Cut off a Screenshot

Although taking a quick screenshot is a general practice, it’s also important to avoid disclosing too much of your screen in order to protect yourself from unauthorized access as it can threaten your security. To avoid this, instead of taking a single image, take a series of crops to ensure that you only need to capture what you need. To do this, open the Mac app or go to the Windows 10 Start menu and go to the search box. 

5. Search WhatsApp Chats

Messages keep gathering within time, without taking into account the application that you apply. We aspire to find the most important details of our lives, but it gets lost in limitless information. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that they can search for their WhatsApp messages.

On Android and iOS, you can seek messages using the words that you’re looking for. 

6. Unsend an Email

If you by chance send an email to whom you did not intend to send it, you can unsend it by clicking the unsend button and adjusting your settings in Google’s email app. This feature will allow you to add or remove various details of the message, such as the subject line and the spelling.

To unsend an email, make sure that the setting is set to a higher number than the one that’s currently set.  Fortunately, Google has the option of slowing down an email delivery to 31 sec.